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Post-Operative Instructions

To ensure your comfort and the success of your treatment, we strongly suggest that the following instructions be carried out:

  • A dressing or packing will cover the treated area and it is important that it remains intact and in place until your next appointment. If any or all of the dressing comes off within a few days, do not be concerned—no harm will occur. It will be removed at your next scheduled appointment. 

  • You may gently rinse with Listerine (diluted 1 to 3 in warm water). Warm salt warm or full-strength hydrogen peroxide is both acceptable. You can rinse between meals daily.

  • There may be occasional bloodstains in the saliva for the first 24 hours, following the operation. This is not unusual and will correct itself. If there is considerable bleeding beyond this, do not rinse. Take a gauze pad or moist tea bag and apply it to both sides of the pack and hold it under pressure for 20 minutes. Do not remove it during this time to examine it. If the bleeding does not stop after one hour of application, please contact the office. 

  • A nourishing, soft diet of high proteins and plenty of fluids will aid in healing. Avoid hot (temperature wise) foods and beverages. Also, avoid spicy, acidic, and salty foods.

  • Avoid excessive exertion of any type for 24 hours following surgery. 

  • In most cases, puffiness or mild swelling may result. This may be kept at a minimum by holding ice with light pressure on the outside of your face, adjacent to the treated area, for the first 24 hours after your surgical visit—10 minutes on and 10 minutes off. This is only effective for the first 24 hours after surgery. After 24 hours, warm compresses should be used in case of severe swelling.

  • Mild discomfort is readily controlled by ADVIL, ANACIN, or TYLENOL. Continue taking medication only if necessary to prevent discomfort. For more severe pain, use the prescription as directed. 

  • If penicillin or other antibiotics are necessary, a prescription will be given to use. Please continue taking the antibiotic as prescribed until finished. Please note: Antibiotic use while taking the birth control pill decreases its efficiency, therefore, additional birth control measures should be taken. 

*In case of emergency on evening or weekends, contact Dr. Nancy Ekelman by text message at (917)797-3919.

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